Cole's Cheerleading Site
Tumble | Cheer Dollz | High School | Clip Art | International | Associations | All-Stars | Pyramids | Squad of the Month | All-Girl | Stunts | Baskets | Cheers | Motions | Tryout Tips | Jumps | Cheerleading Links | Time to Shine! | Contact Me | You | Video Clips | College

  If you're on this site, I'm assuming that you're a cheer girl or guy.  If you're not, feel welcome to just browse. But for you cheer people, this site is all about Cheerleading. If you're like me, and don't have amazing jumps, I'll tell you how here. If you like new cheers, I've put tons of cheers I use and have made up for you to enjoy.

  I also have some really cool links on this site.  So go to the links! I've tried to explain some of the pyramids my Dance Team does, but I don't know how to upload pictures, so I don't have pictures.  I'll try and get some from other sites!
~I just made my college's cheerleading team after sending in a video tape!!


Oh the funkyness of a bubble!


Please visit our sponsor:,
maker of fine cheerleading apparel and goods.

If you wanna be on my Cheer Page, I have an area for you to email cheers, chants, pyramids, or whatever else, and I'll publish them.